Well let's talk about this week for me..... hum.... Well last night we went and baptized a family that are called the family Hernandez!! It really was an awesome baptismal service. We had lots of people come from the ward and even with a few bumps it turned out really good. =) =) =)
But the drum roll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I´m leaving my area and my comp... =( =( =( It's good and bad at the same time. In this short amount of time, I've made some really good friends here and (I'm not going to lie) I'm a little depressed about leaving them all. I´m going to be with a guy called Elder Merin who is going to finish his mission with me or as they say in the mission, he is going to "die" with me. (haha) Maybe he´ll leave some cool stuff for me. But the place I'm going is called Ahuachapan. It's like really small and completely different from this city. It's super cold at night so I'll be really grateful for the pants and sweat shirt. Thanks mom!! But it's not even a ward out there. It's a branch. So we´ll work hard and hopefully we´ll find some people who are ready to baptize. Because here in this area there are going to be like 7. My comp, Elder Winters, is going to train a new missionary here in this area so that's pretty awesome!! Lucky for him.. =( Don´t worry, I'll take lots of pictures here.
1) What type of a marker do you use to mark your scriptures (pencil or marker)?
I mark mine with pencils. I use colored pencils and try to make them kind of good looking so when I ask our investigators to read them, they pay attention. =) That's just what i do.
2) What is your favorite scripture (if you have one)?
My favorite scripture..... I don´t really have one.. hahah I really do like Moroni´s promise that he makes in Moroni 10. How if anyone wants to know of the truth of these scriptures and asks with faith, God will answer your questions. Because if the book of Mormon is true then the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. That's why we try so hard on our mission to get people to read it.
3) Have you learned yet how to make pappoosas? (we know the spelling is wrong)
Pupusas? Still no....I really want to but we just have no time.... We´re always running around doing tons of stuff and never have time to breath. But one day I'm going to - promise.
4) Are you getting a suntan on your face and lower arms? (With the right farmers' tan we can get you a job when you get home - hahaha Maybe Eric's dad will be hiring.)
Definitely I have a huge farmers tan. I´m soooooo white under my shirt. Especially my chest and my legs. They are turning into ghosts. They only see the light of day in the morning and in the night... But when I get back, I'll work on that. Until then, I'm Casper the friendly ghost. (hahaha)
But I think Megan is farther than me in her reading. I´ve been reading Jesus the Christ a lot. That book is really amazing. It talks about all Jesus and his life and the things he did and the background of it all; I definitely recommend it to anyone. =)
I really do thank you for your prayers and support. Sometimes that's all I have is a good prayer and the rest is up to me to be happy and really enjoy my mission. I really do love my mission and the people that I've met here in such a short amount of time. I can´t wait to make new friends in Ahuachapan. That's where I'm going to spend my birthday for Pete's sake!!! (But - p.s. I still don´t have my package. Who knows, I'll get it sometime. I just have to be patient. (hahahaha) If anything - I'm learning to be patient on my mission.
I also sent some more pictures so I hope you guys get those in time. My memory card is being a little stubborn, but I got it to work. =)
Love you all forever!!!
The church is true. =)